These general Terms and Conditions apply to you as a consumer when you purchase products from us, Ison Beauty at our website By purchasing a product at, you confirm that you accept these Terms and Conditions.
When placing an order on the website, a purchase agreement is entered into between you and Ison Beauty when we have confirmed your order in writing and you have received our order confirmation. We ask you to save the order confirmation to facilitate correspondence with us about your purchase.
You must be at least 18 years old to purchase products at
Contact us
You may contact us using the address, e-mail address or telephone number provided below.
Mob: +971 50 561 6186
ISON P.O. box 566303,
Address: Arenco Building , Block 4, Office 214, Dubai investment park 1, Dubai - U.A.E
If we change our address, e-mail address or telephone number, the updated contact information will be published and held available on our website
Prices & payment
Shipping & delivery
UAE Delivery
Free delivery across the UAE on orders above 200 AED. A delivery charge of 20 AED is applied on orders below 200 AED.
We deliver via Emirates Post within 1-3 working days. A member of the customer service team will contact you to confirm the exact time of delivery followed by the courier team on the day of delivery.
You are required to indicate the best contact details and time / place of delivery ahead of the dispatch.
Please note that the time of delivery may vary.
If you have received a damaged or defect product, please lodge your complaint to us by e-mail: or post: Arenco Building , Block 4, Office 214, Dubai investment park 1, Dubai - U.A.E , as soon as possible after you have discovered the defect. If you lodge the complaint within two months from you discovering the defect, the complaint will always be considered as having been lodged in due time. However, if you do not lodge a complaint within three years from ordering the product, you will have no right to invoke the defect.
We will handle your complaint in accordance with applicable consumer protection legislation and with the guidelines provided by the UAE National Board
Please note that even if we hope that you are very happy with your product, you are not entitled for compensation if the only reason for your complaint is that you are displeased with the product.